Here is an excellent sermon from James Talarico, a seminary student, Texas State Representative, and a former middle school teacher. In Christ there is no east or west,in him no south or north,but one great fellowship of lovethroughout the whole wide earth. In Christ...
Robert began piano study at age 5, organ study at age 10 and was appointed to his first church music position at age 15. At age 16 he received a full artist’s scholarship to The Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia where he studied organ performance with...
Please pardon the mess! We’re upgrading and making some changes, so things may look a little disheveled until we get everything sorted out. We hope to have everything looking pretty here very...
Since January, 2013, I have been serving as Music Director and Organist for Wendell Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Wendell, NC. WCC is a small congregation with a big heart. You will not find a more warm and welcoming church family. If you are not...
On September 23, September 30 and October 7 I served as Guest Organist at The Church of the Holy Family (Episcopal) in Chapel Hill, NC, while the church’s talented resident Organist, Celia Lata, was on a church trip to the Holy Land. I enjoyed participating in...
Sunday, August 5 marked my 4th opportunity to serve as Guest Organist & Choirmaster & Pianist at Front Street United Methodist Church in Burlington, NC. I’m grateful to the church’s resident Organist & Choirmaster, David Ratchford, for another...